
Our faith in God makes us strong. It is our strength and the rock we can stand on.


Donation Information

Recipient: mt:28 BW Bank
IBAN: DE88 6005 0101 0002 1912 54
Purpose of Transfer:
AB 190 – Football Ministry
AB 191 - Education and Vocational Training
AB 192 – Social Centre
AB 193 – Start Up

Why believe?

Faith in God is at the heart of our work - without him this work would never have come into being and would not have been possible. Jesus gives us hope, healing and love. Since we want to help people holistically, it is important not only to take care of their physical well-being, but also to touch their heart. We want to show the people that a living relationship with God is possible and that with Him life is exciting and worth living.

Something that will last

We can help in many ways and with countless projects - but what does really matter? In the end the questions that arise are, what is important and what happens next? We have the great promise of Jesus that after this life eternal life is awaiting us. We also know that a living relationship with God is possible every day. We want to share this with as many as possible. It is important to us to introduce people to the Gospel, to give them a starting point for a personal relationship with God and to anchor them firmly in a local church.

He who has faith is never alone.

Seibold Klaus

Our Work

Worship services, seminars, and evangelistic outreaches - we have done all this in recent years. We consciously integrate our faith in form of prayers and devotions in all our projects. We support the local church and reach those who have never heard of Jesus. When planning and implementing the individual activities, we place special emphasis on a partnership with the local churches and organizations.