Start Ups

Practical help into independence and self-employment. Young people get the chance to build up their lives and to realise their own potential.


Donation Information

Recipient: mt:28 BW Bank
IBAN: DE88 6005 0101 0002 1912 54
Purpose of Transfer: AB 193 – Start Up

Why the start ups?

It is very important to us to help directly on site with the people. We want to be in harmony with the vision of the entrepreneurs. This is the only way to help people to help themselves. The people in Uganda are hard-working and have great ideas. All they need is a jump start and someone to accompany them on their way. We want to be that someone.

Ready, Set -Go!

We encourage and empower people to help themselves. Start Ups from different areas have already been supported. Be it the motorcycle taxi, mud brick production, landscape gardening, hairdressing saloon, chicken farm, pig breeding or laundry business. The ideas are numerous and inventive. And what is even more important: they are essential for the economic stability and quality of life in the region.

Actually one should not pity a person at all, it is better to help him.

Maksim Gorki

Our Work

With a simple start-up help and a fair share of their own contribution, we enable the young people to build up their own business. With this support, 11 small businesses have been opened in the last six years (As of 2020). These are either whole groups or smaller teams of up to four people who are led into independence. It is extremely important to us that the young people come to us with their own ideas and vision. Naturally, they submit a conclusive business plan and a detailed cost-benefit calculation. We then check the idea for its profitability and feasibility. In case of an approval, the Start Up receives a one-time grant. In addition, we appoint a mentor on site at each start-up. This ensures that the money is well managed and that the young adults can successfully build and establish their start-up.