Football Ministry East Africa

Even before the establishment of NSC, the football ministry was at the heart of Jonas' work abroad - and with good reason.


Donation Information

Recipient: mt:28 BW Bank
IBAN: DE88 6005 0101 0002 1912 54
Purpose of Transfer: AB 190 – Football Ministry

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Why football?

Football brings people together, regardless of their age group, tribal or religious background. Football brings together even hostile groups. People play, laugh and celebrate together. We combine the two most beautiful things in life: our faith in God and football.

Football tournaments

Unity, jubilation, and joy - all this and more makes our football tournaments a very special event for the people here. We offer them the chance to take part in these extraordinary events, which would probably not exist without our participation. It is an event in and for the community.

In life, like in football, you won't get far if you don't know where the goal is.

Arnold H. Glasow

Our Work

In cooperation with local churches, we organise football tournaments, including those in slums and areas of crisis. Football tournaments help us to bring together young people from different tribes, religions and backgrounds. Here we can teach values such as responsibility, team spirit, motivation, fair play, discipline and much more. Additionally, a start-up is awarded and implemented. In this way we can help the teams in a holistic and sustainable way.